EWS-2-3-3+ Key Programmer


EWS-2-3-3+ Key Programmer Instructions

EWS-2-3-3+ Key Programmer covers the following vehicles:

Range Rover (2002+)


  • E38 – series 7
  • E39 – series 5
  • E46 – series 3
  • Z4
  • X3 (early models)
  • E53 – X5



Congratulations for your choice! You will receive one of the best key-programming devices for EWS immobilizer based vehicles!

This device can provide you with the following possibilities:

· to program a new key (or transponder) – supports up to 9 different keys;

· to reset stored odometer value in the EWS module

· or in the keys;

· to reset the identification number of the EWS.

The EWS immobilizer units allow programming of up to 10 different keys. With the assistance of this programming device you can program 9 of those keys. Please remember that you cannot re-program the keys in order to start another car. Only the #9 key allows reprogramming to a different car.

You can switch ON the EWS programming device by pressing the red button (ON/OFF button). Then red LED is showing that the device is working.


In order to work properly your device needs a new 9-volt battery (we recommend alkaline batteries). You also need transponders or keys for the device (contact your supplier for these transponders/keys). Please keep in mind that every key or transponder has an exact position in the EWS unit.

EWS units that can be used with your programming device could be:

· EWS2

· EWS3 or EWS3+.


To program an EWS unit, please follow the steps bellow:

1. First of all there mustn’t be any key in the ignition knob of the car.

2. Remove the EWS unit from the car.

3. Remove the EWS cover.

4. Clean both microprocessor pins.

5. Then adjust the device switches in accordance to the desired function (refer to chapter 4).

6. Link the programming device’s socket to the microprocessor of the EWS unit.

7. Press the ON/OFF button to turn ON the programming device. Then the red LED will be on too.

8. Press the START button. If there is a good connection between the programming device and the microprocessor, the yellow LED will be on for 2-3 seconds and then will go off. The GREEN LED will report a successfully finished programming procedure. If there isn’t a good connection between the programming device and the microprocessor, green and yellow LED will be on at the same time. In this case provide better contact or clean the microprocessor pins. Afterwards you can repeat step 8.

9. Turn off the programming device.

10. Eventually eject the programming device from the EWS unit and you can assemble in the car.

11. Use the programmed key to start the car. The key must be the same number as the position selected from the

DIP switches of the programming device.


Before you use the device, adjust the switches (SW) according to the desired function.

To program keys:

SW1 = ON, all remaining OFF -> programs key number 0 and key number 9;

SW2 = ON, all remaining OFF -> programs key number 1 and key number 9;

SW3 = ON, all remaining OFF -> programs key number 2 and key number 9;

SW4 = ON, all remaining OFF -> programs key number 3 and key number 9;

SW5 = ON, all remaining OFF -> programs key number 4 and key number 9;

SW6 = ON, all remaining OFF -> programs key number 5 and key number 9;

SW7 = ON, all remaining OFF -> programs key number 6 and key number 9;

SW8 = ON, all remaining OFF -> programs key number 7 and key number 9.

To reset odometer value stored in the EWS and keys:

Switch 1 = ON, Switch 3 = ON, all remaining OFF -> resets odometer value. So when you assemble the EWS unit in the car, the EWS will program inside and in the keys the current odometer value from the instrument cluster of the car.

To reset the number of the EWS and keys:

Switch 1 = ON, Switch 2 = ON, all remaining OFF.